Welcome to Irish Poetry Therapy Network - IPTN, a non-profit organisation that provides an environment where participants explore at first hand, through the use of poetry therapy and bibliotherapy, the healing power of poetry as a means of identifying and dealing with various life issues.

Find out more about us and how to join our network by checking out our site.

Confidentiality Agreement: IPTN Sessions are held in a confidential space. Participants, discussions and poems are only published with agreement. These sessions use poetry as therapy and are not psychotherapy sessions.

Thursday, 14 May 2020


IPTN is inviting you to a scheduled AGM Zoom meeting.
We will also be considering the role of PT and IPTN in relation to the Covid19 stuation.

Topic: IPTN AGM Zoom Meeting
Time: May 15, 2020 03:00 PM London

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 845 7412 9321
Password: 886887
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Meeting ID: 845 7412 9321
Password: 886887
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