Welcome to Irish Poetry Therapy Network - IPTN, a non-profit organisation that provides an environment where participants explore at first hand, through the use of poetry therapy and bibliotherapy, the healing power of poetry as a means of identifying and dealing with various life issues.

Find out more about us and how to join our network by checking out our site.

Confidentiality Agreement: IPTN Sessions are held in a confidential space. Participants, discussions and poems are only published with agreement. These sessions use poetry as therapy and are not psychotherapy sessions.

Friday, 23 July 2021

Living with Mistakes - Another Session Offered


Due to the high demand for places on our Living with Mistakes session on Saturday 14th August, we are running a second workshop on Sunday 15th August '21.

Places are filling up fast so email us at irishpoetrytherapynetwork@gmail.com to reserve your place.

We look forward to seeing you there.

Thursday, 15 July 2021

Living with Mistakes

‘Living with Mistakes’ is the final session in IPTN’s 2021 series of inspirational workshops that draw on poetry and reflective writing for self-discovery and self-expression.

We all make mistakes. Some of them we can fix, others ‘march ahead of us into our rooms, dripping’ Naomi Shihab Nye.

Yet all of the mistakes you made have led you to be the person you are today.

Join Carol Boland PTP on Saturday 14th August ’21

2pm - 4pm on Zoom

Fee: €15 or €10 IPTN members

Please note: 10 places only per workshop. Priority to IPTN members.

To register, email irishpoetrytherapynetwork@gmail.com