Welcome to Irish Poetry Therapy Network - IPTN, a non-profit organisation that provides an environment where participants explore at first hand, through the use of poetry therapy and bibliotherapy, the healing power of poetry as a means of identifying and dealing with various life issues.

Find out more about us and how to join our network by checking out our site.

Confidentiality Agreement: IPTN Sessions are held in a confidential space. Participants, discussions and poems are only published with agreement. These sessions use poetry as therapy and are not psychotherapy sessions.

Monday, 12 April 2021

Group Poems: Living the Symbolic Life Sessions


Living the Symbolic Life with Poetry and Jungian Psychology

Group Poems

Workshop 10th April 2021

When you are blinded by the sun peeping through the budded branches

Aching but trusting

Because I am not alone and that’s the point

Go softly in the world with padded feet

We’ll stand together and in this moment nothing else will matter

My third leg

Powerful yet vulnerable you saunter through the jungle

A timeless house that bind people together and forms valuable connections

I see a shimmering image bringing wisdom and love

So bright, so fresh, so cocky.


Workshop 11th April 2021

An elephant never forgets
Allow me to be me; allow yourself to be you
and we are one soul
I write with hands that once held you in their infancy
I'm w
earing my father's ring, his father wore it too
Meditating on its pitted stone, the crust of its mane
It sits in the quiet of the tree
She is light of foot, protecting her young
Remember the spiritual curl of the tail
Stand your ground
Cupped my hands around you

Keeping in touch with your instincts.



Saturday, 3 April 2021

Living a Symbolic Life - another day added

 Due to overwhelming response to Living a Symbolic Life, Theresa is holding an addition zoom session on Sunday 11 April from 2 - 3.30pm

€15 or €10 for IPTN Members

Please email us at irishpoetrytherapynetwork@gmail.com to book your place on this interesting look at life through Jungian eyes.